How to buy Japanese High Speed Rail (Shinkansen) ticket online: SmartEx

SmartEx is a Shinkansen high-speed rail reservation app that allows you to seamlessly book, change, and cancel (with a fee) Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen lines. The app covers the major Shinkansen lines that serve most major cities in Japan, such as Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Okayama, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and so on. The ticket purchased on the SmartEX app is at least 200 yen cheaper than a ticket purchased at train stations.

SmartEX is available in-app or website. All you need is a credit card and an email address to register. Once registration is complete, you will be able to start making reservations. Changing and canceling the ticket can be done in SmartEx but cancellation requires a fee (320 yen). You should be aware that the app is only available in select countries.

The SmartEX website and app are an easy way to book Shinkansen tickets


Once registered and logged in, you can start making reservations. Simply click the reservation button; it will take you to the reservation screen where you can pick a date and time for your departure. If you have a check-in size luggage you need to check the “use Oversized Baggage Area” field. For Kodama and Hikari users, you need to check the ‘Search Hikari, Sakura, and Kodama’ field since most major stops only display Nozomi, the fastest train. Once you select all required field, click continue.

The next screen is selecting a fare class for the train. I selected Nozomi no. 7, and the Hayatoku Green discount is available on this train.

The next screen is selecting a fare class for the train. I selected Nozomi no. 7 and the Hayatoku Green discount is available on this train. Once checking the fare class, you can pick your seat from the seat map by clicking the “view seat map” button.

The seat map lets you pick the car number and seat. As you can see, row 16 is blocked because those seats are reserved for people with large-size luggage. To book those seats, you simply have to go back to the booking page and check the ‘large luggage’ field. For the Mt. Fuji view, pick DE and CD seats for ordinary and green cars, respectively.

Once your seat is selected, you can purchase the ticket. You have options to receive a QR code or pick up the ticket at a ticket vending machine.

Product and Price

ust as a starter, there are five different kinds of trains on the Tokaido and Sanyo lines. Among all, only Nozomi, Hikari, and Kodama get discounts on SmartEX.

  • Nozomi: Fastest train on Tokaido and Sanyo lines (16 cars)
  • Mizuho: Fastest train on Sanyo line (8 cars)
  • Hikari: 2nd fastest train on Todaido line and local on Sanyo line (16 cars)
  • Sakura: 2nd fastest train on Sanyo line (8 cars)
  • Kodama: Local train on Tokaido and Sanyo lines (16 or 8 cars)

There are different types of discounts available to SmartEX but a general rule of thumb is that booking at least 3 days ahead of departure will get you some kinds of discount on your ticket. You should note that there will be no discounts during peak holiday seasons around New Year’s day, Golden Week in late April to early May, and Obon in mid-August.

  • EX Hayatoku 21
    • Reservation is available upto 21 days before departure
    • 1 – 6 people but no child fare
    • Nozomi departing boarding station at 600 to 659 and 1100 to 1559 only
    • Discounts around 20-32% (Best rate Tokyo – Hakata)
  • EX Hayatoku
    • Reservation is available upto 3 days before departure
    • 1 – 6 people
    • Any Nozomi (Weekend rate is cheaper)
    • Limited to Tokyo & Yokohama to west of Okayama, and Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka & Kobe to Kokura and Hakata
    • Discounts between 17-28% (Best rate Shin-Osaka to Hakata on weekends)
  • EX Nozomi Family
    • Reservation is available upto 3 days before departure
    • 2 – 6 people
    • Nozomi on weekends
    • Discounts between 12-17% (Best rate Tokyo to Shin-Osaka

The trio of Hayatoku tickets offers discounts on Nozomi trains. The most restrictive ticket is the Hayatoku 21. It offers the best rate of all but you would have to book your ticket 21 days before departure. Also, you should note that the discount only applies to select Nozomi trains departing the boarding station between 600-650 and 1100-1559. You should note that there is no child fare so it is not ideal for a family with a child.

The regular Hayatoku discount is applied up to 3 days from departure but the rate of discount is slightly lower than the Hayatoku 21. This discount is available on any Nozomi, and children can travel for half of the price of adults. If you are traveling to/ from Tokyo, Shinagawa and Shin-Yokohama, this ticket is available to/ from west of Okayama. If you are traveling to/ from Nagoya, Kyoto and Shin-Osaka, the discount only applies to/ from Kokura and Hakata.

The Nozomi Family Hayatoku is designed for leisure travelers who are traveling between Tokyo and Shin-Kobe. The drawback is that you must buy at least 2 tickets and must be traveling on a weekend or holiday to get the discount.

Hayatoku products for Nozomi reserved seat
  • EX Green
    • Reservation is available upto 3 days before departure
    • 1 – 6 people but no child fare
    • Nozomi departing at 600 to 659 and any Hikari
    • Discounts between 19-26% (Best rate Tokyo to Kyoto & Shin-Kobe)
  • EX Kodama Green
    • Reservation is available upto 3 days before departure
    • 1 – 6 people but no child fare
    • Any Kodama
    • Discounts between 19-41% (Best rate Tokyo to Atami, Kyoto and Shin-Osaka)

If you want to a luxurious trip, there are Hayatoku Green and Hayatoku Green Kodama. If you don’t know what the green car is, it is essentially the first class. The green car seat is wider than a regular class seat and the pitch is longer (1160mm vs. 1040mm). In addition, the seat comes with a leg rest and food rest.

The Hayatoku Green discount applies to Hikari and select Nozomi trains. If you don’t mind taking a Hikari or early morning Nozomi, this ticket provides a good value. Unfortunately, there is no child fare available for this ticket.

If you have an ample amount of time, you can take a Kodama and save even further with the Hayatoku Green Kodama. I think the best use of this ticket is traveling between Tokyo and Atami as the discount rate is phenomenal for such a short ride. Between Tokyo and Atami, Shinkansen faces competition from JR East, Shinkansen Operator JR Central’s sister company. JR East’s local train and Odoriko limited express are slightly cheaper than taking the Shinkansen but they take 80-120 minutes whereas the Shinkansen only takes 45 minutes for the route.

Hayatoku Green and Green Kodama can save a ton of money
  • EX Kodama Family
    • Reservation is available upto 3 days before departure
    • 2 – 6 people
    • Any Kodama
    • Discounts between 24-34% (Best rate Nagoya to Shin-Osaka)

The last one is the Kodama Family Hayatoku. The ticket is strictly for Kodama, and you need to purchase it for two people. Even though the price is good, I am not a fan of this ticket because the Kodama between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka carries 3 Green cars, 3 Reserved seat cars, and 10 non-reserved (open seating) cars so people who want cheap ticket would be crammed in the 3 cars. For comparison, Nozomi’s formation is 3 Green cars, 10 Reserved seat cars, and 3 non-reserved so there are a massive amount of reserved seats available. The only useful way to use this ticket is when you have large luggage. Since 2020, Tokaido, Sanyo, and Kyushu Shinkansen changed the luggage rule that you must book a designated seat in advance (for free) otherwise they charge a fee. The designated seat can be booked using SmartEX.

Taking Kodama can save money but reserved seating is limited


SmartEX is easy and convenient. You can book your ticket from your home and abroad. Also, booking a ticket as early as possible, you will be able to snag a better seat for your trip. I think this is a great way to book one of the busiest high-speed lines in the world.